Monday, 12 October 2015

Kielder Kaper

Planning for the Kielder Kaper, aka Cycle Challenge 2016, is now at an advanced stage. Riders have been recruited and accommodation booked so details of the route can now be revealed.

A major change is that next year’s route will start and finish at the Delaval Arms making organisation much easier. The event will take place over the weekend of May 28-30 2016 and involve cycling approximately 155 miles in the Northumbrian countryside. 

Day 1 – Delaval Arms to Bellingham.


Starting at the Delaval Arms, the route heads south on NCN 1 towards Tynemouth before joining the Reivers Route (NCN 10) at North Shields. We will stay on the Reivers all the way to Bellingham, a distance of 55 miles and climbing 2 355 feet along the way.

Day 2 – Bellingham to Kielder and return


Day 2 is a 45 mile loop, heading from Bellingham to Kielder then cycling round the Lakeside Way Cycle Trail before returning to Bellingham for a second night. 2 817 feet are climbed on Day 2.

Day 3 – Bellingham to the Delaval Arms

Day 3 is the reverse of Day 1 (approximately 52 miles with 1 946 feet of climbing) but when we reach Backworth we may avoid cycling back along the coast and take a more direct route instead.