Sunday, 8 February 2015

How To Sponsor Us

The success of Cycle Challenge 2015 will depend on a number of factors. Everyone completing the ride and having fun along the way is guaranteed but of course, our aim is to raise as much money as we can for our chosen charity, Daft As A Brush Cancer Patient Care.

All Backpedalers will have sponsor forms for collecting donations. There is also be a large version on display in the Delaval Arms.

In order to collect Gift Aid, which adds 25% to the value of the donation, it is important that donors provide their name, their house number (or house name), the first line of their address and their post code.

An alternative to a sponsor form is the Virgin Money Giving online system used by Daft As A Brush. Seaton Sluice Backpedalers have their own page up and running and ready to receive donations.

Ponteland 8th Feb 2015

After an overnight frost, the morning was cool and clear as a small group of Backpedalers set off towards Ponteland along the Reivers Route. The track was an interesting mix of ice and mud (and thorns) but not a problem for experienced cyclists. Weetslade Country Park was reached in good time.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Runners and Riders

Daft As A Brush Cancer Patient Care have eighteen people carriers which they use to transport patients to and from their hospital appointments.

Each people carrier is sponsored by a local school and has a name chosen by the children.We thought it would be a good idea to assign a people carrier name to each Backpedaler so that we can identify more closely with the work of Daft As A Brush. Names were drawn out of a hat in an open and transparent manner (honestly!).

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Raring To Go

Last night Backpedalers met in the Delaval Arms to get an update on Cycle Challenge 2015. Everything is going to plan with transport, accommodation and restaurants all booked. We have a sponsor for our cycling shirts and t-shirts have been supplied by Daft As A Brush.
Jean Ross and Brian Burnie of Daft As A Brush were present to meet the team and Brian took the opportunity to tell us a little more about the work and future plans of the charity he founded.

One Backpedaler posted on their Facebook page:
"Had a very inspirational meeting with the founder of daft as a brush ... Can safely say what a deserving charity to be doing the ride for."
It's fair to say that's how everyone at the meeting felt.